Welcome to michaelbroer.com

I am a singer/songwriter, vocalist and bass player for local Sunshine Coast party band The Cumquats.

My alter-ego, Dr Stinkenbutz, is available for functions requiring children’s entertainment.

I enjoy working with people of all ages and swapping stories about our experience as humans in this messed up but doable world.

I am a passionate advocate for non-violent communication, honesty, kindness and embracing diversity. To read more about my personal story go to my about page here.

You can check out more of the musical projects I get up to at my youtube channel.

Yep, I also like to write. Here is where you can see some samples of my creative writing.

One of the most fun things that the kids and I do is, at bedtime, they all pick a character and then I make up a story that has to feature those characters. I find that my kids are my biggest source of inspiration and the curiosity and imagination they display makes them fountains of joy in my life. All the Children’s stories published here are team efforts! I hope you enjoy my stories that I’ve posted on my stories page 🙂